Unlock Your Magical Sense and Achieve Peak Performance with Mr Steve’s Distinctive Coaching and Hypnotherapy Method

I’ve got a snap in my fingers and a rhythm in my walk
…I’m doing ok
…livin’ in a great big way

Hypnotherapy Los Angeles

Under the guidance of Mr. Steve (Steven Rosebaugh),
Peak Performance Coach, Inspirational Counselor, Certified Hypnotherapist, and author of UNLOCKING YOUR MAGICAL SENSE, available on Amazon.com

Individual Zoom coaching session(s) using proven Peak Performance and Hypnotherapy techniques specifically integrated with THE METHOD (created by Mr. Steve), a powerful tool designed to bring the client mentally, physically and spiritually as one in face-to-face with their patterns, habits, blocks, beliefs and desires to a point of realization of really (the unlocking the magical sense) what is preventing them from living in the moment, with positivity, creative forces flowing, and joy and not living by just avoiding obstacles in life but by seeing the magic all around ……using their magical sense.

Increase your Peak Performance in all aspects of your life: professional, personal, creative, spiritual, wellness.. and more!

As a Peak Performance Coach, Certified Hypnotherapist, and Author, I Can Help You…

  • Find more joy in life
  • Increase Peak Performance in all aspects of your life: professional, personal, wellness, creativity, athletics..
  • Become more productive in your endeavors
  • Be more present and in the NOW
  • Overcome limiting beliefs
  • Change the habits that are holding you back or create new positive habits
  • Improve your relationship with yourself and with others
  • Unleash your creativity
  • Reach your personal and professional goals
  • Get unstuck from old patterns that no longer serve
  • In short, Unlock Your Magical Sense and awaken new freedoms!

Peak Performance

Years of practice and teachings, now available to you via individual sessions on Zoom.

Under the Guidance of Mr. Steve, Certified Hypnotherapist and Metaphysical / Inspirational Counselor…..Working with spirit guides if they come through for the client.

I Choose Joy.
I Choose Gratitude.
I Choose To Be In The

Meet Mr. Steve – Peak Performance Coach, Certified Hypnotherapist & Author

Steven Rosebaugh, more widely known in the business and success coaching community as just Mr. Steve, has been a Certified / Registered Hypnotherapist for more than 30 years. He uses his business experience, Hypnotherapy Techniques, Positive Thinking and Success Peak Performance Coaching techniques as the cornerstone in his work and his approach to providing the most beneficial and life-affirming inspiration to clients, resulting in clients achieving their peak performance. In fact, he just published his first book on this very subject! His new book, entitled UNLOCKING YOUR MAGICAL SENSE, now available on Amazon.com. Check it out on the road to becoming THE BETTER YOU.

He is continually unpacking the elements of modern day living and people’s changing needs and wants in this 21 st century and integrating those with the foundation of Hypnotherapy and Peak Performance frameworks to make more attainable and understood his Method of “UNLOCKING YOUR MAGICAL SENSE.”

A Session